
Sea Days

We had 5 days at sea on our cruise. Clay loved all the onboard activities, and we never ran out of things to do. In fact we all agreed we needed another week onboard the ship :). As most know, I LOVE cruising and I would recommend it to anyone, especially families with small kids. Though you do need to be at least 3 to be in the kids program, which is what made this trip a real vacation. Like with preschool, I am a better mom when I get a couple hours to myself each day.

Clay spent about 3 hours a day in the pool. I can't wait for many visits to Vancouver's outdoor pools this summer.

Nice form - unfortunately this one ended in a belly flop

One of hundreds of Clay's cannon balls

A couple rounds of mini-golf was enjoyed each day

Clay was one of few children on board, which was great because we had lots of access to all the kid-friendly onboard amenities. He also received TONS of attention from the older passengers, and I felt like the parent of a celebrity because people were constantly coming up to us and admiring him. I felt blessed to be his mom!

Clay charmed the pottery at sea instructors, and they gave him a piece of clay and helped him make a pinch pot. He loved the glazing part best.

Clay was proud of his finished product

Shuffleboard was one of Clay's favorite activities

Clay loved the scones with jam and cream at high tea

The kid's program kept Clay busy with lots of crafts and games for a couple hours each day. He loved going, and we loved dropping him off.

Many, many hours were spent doing this

Dressed up for one of ten lovely dinners. Clay had fettucini alfredo every night - that's my picky boy. And for those who are wondering, yes I did bring a cooler full of frozen veggie cubes on the cruise, and Clay happily ate green oatmeal every morning.

Clay and grandpa in matching shirts

This activity made 90 minute dinners in the fancy dining room much more enjoyable for all 5 of us

1 comment:

Melissa B said...

love that he ate his green oatmeal :) clay must have loved this trip!