

Justin and I took a 12-day Mediterranean cruise with Dave and Heather. Our parents were generous enough to care for Clay, one week at each house, so it was a true vacation. Clay seemed to barely miss us, and was lovingly spoiled by his grandparents. I almost forgot I was a parent while we were gone, but I was SOOOO excited to see him when we came home. The highlight of my trip was spending two whole weeks with my honey - I can't get enough of that man!

Our ship left from Venice, and we loved exploring this romantic city with Dave and Heather. We must have taken over 200 pictures that first day!

Gondola ride- a Venice must do!

We're so excited to be on a cruise together!

Isn't my sister-in-law beautiful? Heather is one of my dearest friends, and I loved getting to hang out with her so much! She is one of the most fun, generous, and loving people I know.

1 comment:

Nathan and Mareesa said...

Oh Dana, those pictures are so gorgeous! You're definitely influencing me to go to the Mediterranean one day!