
White Rock

Okay, enough bike pictures already! Sorry, I couldn't resist - Clay is so adorable on that thing. We made a family trip to White Rock this week, and Clay cruised down the ramp near the pier over and over and over. You can't really tell in the picture, but he picked up some serious speed on the ramp and had numerous close wipe-outs with fences, people, and walls, but overall had such fun.

The real reason we went to White Rock is because our Nexus passes were taken away at the border at our last crossing, and we needed to get new ones in Blaine. So after the hour drive, the 45-minute border wait, and the 30 minute wait at the Nexus office, we were informed that an officer was not available to renew our cards. Oh no! A 4-hour ordeal with a 3-year-old for naught. I tried to use my sweetest assertiveness skills, and asked to speak with another officer, but was again told I'd have to come back another day. I'm a little sheepish to admit that at this point, in a last ditch effort, I started crying and made quite a scene in the Nexus waiting area. Thankfully, my tears happened to be noticed by the boss of Nexus, and he quickly asked another officer to work overtime to take care of our passes. Yes! For the record, most of my tears are authentic, and I only fake it in dire circumstances.

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